Thursday, January 13, 2005

Pen and Page (Ongoing) part 1

I've been receiving some responses to the half-dozen rescinsion notices I've had to send out. I'm surprised at the responses. I assumed they'd be a little on the negative side, maybe a bit perturbed, if not edgy and frustrated. However, these responses have all been understanding, apologetic, and even friendly. I need to reevaluate my thoughts on the nature of editorship. I know it's a busy world when you run a publication, and it's common for manuscripts to be lost, destroyed, never received, shuffled around, forgotten... Most of these rescinsion responses have been very explanatory, and they almost always involve a previous editor having gotten lost in the work and quitting, and a new editor taking over (they're the ones who respond to the rescinsion). I feel bad for the new editor. It's difficult enough without having to first repair damage done by someone else (especially if the damage is neglect). One editor's response stated having just taken over the reigns, only to discover that the publication was months late, nothing had been done to prepare for the next release, and there were over two thousand submissions as yet unread and sitting in boxes spread out across two states. Their market listings stated the response time at about a month, but some of these submissions were over a year old. Unbelievably, this new editor has committed herself to reading ALL of them before putting out one final, apologetic issue. I respect this editor and wish her luck. It must be a nightmare.
Also in the last week: Received another acceptance, this time from a magazine actually based in my home state. It's the first in Oregon to favor me. I'd only received rejections in Oregon until now. I'm happy with this, however I should state I've also received four rejections this week, and two more publications I've submitted to have now called it quits and closed up shop for good. Sad. I think I'm going to create a small dropbox on this page listing poetry magazines that have gone under, and will update it as I get more returned submissions. At least that way no one ends up losing postage on submissions that won't be received.

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