My second novel Amphisbaena is out and available in a variety of places. Read the last few posts and you can find out all sorts of things about this experimental, surrealist romance novel, including some reviews that have gone live and synopsis.
Here's a link to the book on Amazon, which has it in stock:
Postal mail is all I have for the program, at the moment. If anyone knows of a good free service to store a file for download, by all means, leave a comment below.
For those who use torrents, I do have a dedicated torrent over at Mininova for the program, guranteed to be seeding:
Also, feel free to contact me if you think you'd be interested in doing a review, but would rather have the .pdf, without all the features or the large wraparound program:
Enjoy the end of Summer, and check out the book if you're interested.